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Should You Live in Your Home While Trying to Sell?

It’s probably one of the top questions home sellers ask themselves: Should we continue to live in our house while we sell it, or should we move out? Will one choice hurt our chances of selling quickly and for top dollar? These are important questions to ask—after all, lengthening the selling process can become expensive, e.g. paying two mortgages or a mortgage and rent.

Perhaps your moving circumstances dictate that you must or cannot stay in your home while it’s on the market. If that’s the case, there are still some helpful tips below on how to manage either scenario for greater peace of mind and a quick sale.

Selling while your home is vacant

This option is most commonly chosen when a person or family can easily move in with family or must move immediately into their new accommodations—maybe to start a new job. If neither of these scenarios apply to you, there are still reasons you may choose to move out but stay in town.



Selling while staying in your home

If you think this is the best option for you, you’ll need to strike a balance between living comfortably and being able to show your home in its best light at the drop of a hat.



Tips for staying

If staying in your home is right for you, here are six tips to minimize stress:

Ultimately, the decision depends on your specific circumstances and priorities. It's worth discussing with your real estate agent to explore the pros and cons based on the local housing market conditions and your goals.

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